
Remembering ‘Piura’

November 13, 2023 | 1 minute read

We’re saddened to share that we recently said goodbye to our 13-year-old female Chilean flamingo,‘Piura’.

Pirua had been receiving ongoing care and monitoring for advanced arthritis in her right leg. When the Animal Care, Health & Welfare team noticed that she was showing progressive signs of declining joint health, she was transported to the Animal Health Centre for additional treatment. Unfortunately, her condition continued to worsen and her previously “good” left leg also was being affected from overcompensating for the right leg.  Due to the poor prognosis for a good quality of life, the Animal Health team made the compassionate decision to euthanize Piura on November 8th, 2023.

Piura joined the zoo from San Antonio in 2020 with her offspring, resident nine-year-old female ‘Franca’. She will be missed by the flamboyance and by those who have loved and cared for her during her time with us. Please keep her team in your thoughts during this difficult time.